Category Marketing

Social Confusion?

Tim O’Reilly’s keynote at the Graphing Social Patterns conference seems to have readily accepted the term ‘Social Graph‘, recently applied by Mark Zuckerberg to his FaceBook service. Reading Sean Ammirati’s coverage of the talk reminded me of my own reservations…

It’s All About Community

Web2.0 seems to be a lot about invite-only betas. We hear about them through a variety of media and we patiently wait and often salivate. We sign up to receive invites or even just sign up to be notified when…

Guelph Memory

A great online historical tour of the University of Guelph campus is now available. It doesn’t feature whizzbang flash effects or implement AJAX functionality. Instead, it delivers a smooth and effective tour in a simple and compelling fashion with simple…

Stupid Saturdays

Just because it is absolutely so stupid I feel compelled to point it your way. The ‘Will it Blend’ series of videos demonstrating the sheer blending power of Blentec blenders (like they use at all my favourite coffee shops) takes…

Putting the Game into Shopping

I observed my first SmackShopping live internet game show today. Building on the last minute bidding fun of eBay, and the social networking/buying power of a large group of committed purchasers, JellyFish offers an intriguing experience. As a semi-standard demand…

Acronym Overload

In the process of doing some a quick market survey I was struck by the tendency of some software publishers to coin unique acronyms to establish their technological credentials. To be honest I am not unfamiliar with this process and…

Digital Disaggregation

We had a short spate of conversation at the TAPoR meeting on forms of disaggregation (and I guess corollorarily demand aggregation) when looking at online swap/consolidation sites. I cam across a further swap site this morning that illustrated this concept…and…

Oh No Pizza

I have long been a fan of the Food Guru podcasts. This was one of the first video podcasts that I started to download. Peter Harmon, the presenter kept these up on a weekly basis for quite a while then…