Category Ethics

Digital Nomadacity

The consistently thought-provoking Chris Brogan explores how current digital tools provide for greater freedom in employment and life in general. Chris makes some prescient pontifications on technologies and ponders why one should focus on being more mobile or consider being…

Curious Putin Shadows

Once more I plunder from the idiosyncratic EnglishRussia blog. There’s always a daily dose of intrigue at the site. What better to feature today – especially after Putin has taken another step towards restoring tradition by suspending one of the…

Wow. Strong Words.

Big kudos to Sen. Patrick Leahy, chair of the senate judiciary committee for making an impassioned demand to discover what happened to Maher Arar. The text is enlightening. He actually seems to see Canadians as strong and ‘valuable’ allies. Haven’t…

Journal versus Diary

Allan Bishop and I engaged in a rather interesting short discussion this morning on blogs, public discourse and what it means to share your thoughts in the internet era. He raised the story of the chap that went online and…

“I’m sorry, we don’t do God”

Yes, it’s Tony Blair when asked whether he prayed with George Bush when he visited the White House. A quick quip. What did he mean by this answer? No he and George W. don’t share religious practise, or is it…