Brass and Lots of Brown

annotateI’m working on a review of Vintage Tomorrows for O’Reilly. The book is not all what I was expecting (in a serendipitously wonderful way) and am absolutely hooked. A deep and pithy look at the rationale and motivation behind a counterculture movement. I am savouring the experience more than most books of late. The review is coming but as I said, I am savouring and there’s no rushing that 😉
One of the more fascinating aspects – not of the book itself – but of the reading process is the rather extensive use I seem to be making of the highlighting facility on the Kindle. For some reason or other it just seemed to kick in with me on this book. Click and drag and it’s synced with my account. The result is a lovely summarised view of my view of the writing, much like a word document with the Show Final without revisions in track changes. I am not sure why this is so novel but it is to me. I know that others have commented on the facility in the past musing on how it changes the e-reading process, but suddenly (and intuitively) I find myself using it – walking along the street, reading and making annotations – the journey to work takes on a new dimension.

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