I’ll Never Experience It But…

bg4.gifThis is an absolutely stunning piece on engineering! The Grand Canyon Skywalk is situated 3,800 feet above the canyon floor and is constructed of steel and 4 inch thick glass. It can support 800 people, but will be limited to 120. The floor is glass (that’s why I won’t be there – no chance – no how – but sure wish that I could). The structure protrudes 70 feet from the cliff side and is just cantilevered right out there. They seem to call it a bridge, but that seems rather much more metaphorical than what it in reality it is.
The structure was built, promoted and conceived by a Las Vegas promoter, but was given to the Hualapai nation in exchange for a profit sharing position. This will undoubtedly become one of the must see sightseers destinations, on height alone. It dwarfs the vista from any currently constructed man-made observation platform and I can only imagine the view and the surrounding natural wonder.
The structure opens to the public next week and also comprises an interpretation centre and shops. It will be very cool to start to see some real images of the views and the structure showing up online. The official site doesn’t seem to do much of a job of convincing one of how spectacular this structure really is.

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